taking brand membership as the core strategy,
the omni-channel

taking brand membership as the core strategy,the omni-channel

it combines retail, logistics, internet and automated data system to create the consumer-centered o2o (online to offline) ,
which contributes to connecting a new type of service to digital reaction.

it combines retail, logistics, internet and automated data system to create the consumer-centered o2o (online to offline) ,which contributes to connecting a new type of service to digital reaction.

" alt="marketing_icon_01" itemprop="image" height="90" width="75" title="marketing_icon_01" />

brick-and-mortar channel

" alt="marketing_icon_02" itemprop="image" height="90" width="75" title="marketing_icon_02" />

on-line channel

" alt="marketing_icon_03" itemprop="image" height="90" width="75" title="marketing_icon_03" />

overseas brick-and-mortar channel

" alt="marketing_icon_04" itemprop="image" height="90" width="75" title="marketing_icon_04" />

 overseas on-line channel

" alt="marketing_icon_01" itemprop="image" height="90" width="75" title="marketing_icon_01" />

brick-and-morta channel

" alt="marketing_icon_02" itemprop="image" height="90" width="75" title="marketing_icon_02" />

on-line channel

" alt="marketing_icon_03" itemprop="image" height="90" width="75" title="marketing_icon_03" />

overseas brick-and-mortar channel

" alt="marketing_icon_04" itemprop="image" height="90" width="75" title="marketing_icon_04" />

 overseas on-line channel

innovative marketing combining with digital era

innovative marketing combining with digital era

explore innovative media method of advisement. observing young generation programs, entertainment, consuming behavior and so on. communicating with the consumers in the physical environment and virtual world. precisely tracing through the social media and online advertising. sales performance repeatedly hitting record highs. contributing to marketing the products to the international channel rapidly.

explore innovative media method of advisement. observing young generation programs, entertainment, consuming behavior and so on. communicating with the consumers in the physical environment and virtual world. precisely tracing through the social media and online advertising. sales performance repeatedly hitting record highs. contributing to marketing the products to the international channel rapidly.

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