carrying out the global brand strategy

carrying out the global brand strategy

our headquarter is established in taipei as the asian pacific professional skin care center and we have successfully accessed to all brick-and-mortar retail channels as well as setting up i-queen e-commerce platform. moreover, by means of alibaba platform, we expand overseas market with retails of 41 countries and regions including singapore, malaysia, canada, america, china, cambodia, indonesia, vietnam, korea. in addition to continuing working diligently in taiwan, we actively expand to the global market to expand our business.

our headquarter is established in taipei as the asian pacific professional skin care center and we have successfully accessed to all brick-and-mortar retail channels as well as setting up i-queen e-commerce platform. moreover, by means of alibaba platform, we expand overseas market with retails of 41 countries and regions including singapore, malaysia, canada, america, china, cambodia, indonesia, vietnam, korea. in addition to continuing working diligently in taiwan, we actively expand to the global market to expand our business.

getting ahead of the game in the keen competition

shiny not only has precise insight but also takes advantage of international trade market platform of alibaba to sell thousands of million of mask products. moreover, in 2015 and 2017, we were awarded alibaba 2nd taiwan b2b top ten best e-commerce and the first place in 3rd aiwan b2b top ten best e-commerce separately. it enables shiny brands to get ahead of the game in the keen competition.

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